Imperial Optical Saves You Money on Contact Lenses
Compare and save! Do you ever feel like you’ll never get to that next monthly volume/price
point level? Imperial Optical’s column pricing structure was developed to give smaller,
independent ECPs the opportunity to realize price-point savings at 5, 15, and 50 units
on a per invoice basis.
A quick look at our column pricing structure will tell you that we are one of the
lowest-priced distributors anywhere. We compared our column 1 prices on 80 of the
most popular lenses with prices from 9 other distributors. Our prices averaged $2.50
a box lower than the average of the nine other suppliers we researched. The average
saving shot up to $3.85 a box when compared to our column 4 prices. We are able to
pass on this kind of savings to our strategic partners because we don’t pay huge salaries
and commissions to salespeople. Over time, these savings can have a significant impact
on your bottom line.
We can save you even more money when it comes to shipping your orders. Your cost for
shipping is exactly what we are charged by the carriers – no mark up, no handling
fees. We do not view shipping as a hidden profit center. And instead of charging shipping
on individual orders placed throughout the day, we hold invoices open until 4:00 to
minimize the additional costs.
And our everyday low prices are not the end to the savings you can realize by becoming
an Imperial Optical Strategic Partner. You can save additional time and money by placing
all your contact lens orders (by phone, fax or on-line) with one source – Imperial
Optical – effectively leaving you more time to do what makes your practice more money
– attending to patients.