TOKYO: Bosses worried about turnover or wondering how long a new hire will stick around can now turn to AI for a heads-up on who might be next out the door. The artificial intelligence tool was developed by Japanese researchers to try and help managers provide targeted support to staff to stop them from quitting. It crunches data on employees at a company, from their attendance record to personal information such as age and gender,…

European Union leaders have taken the first step towards major reforms to the bloc’s single market. The two-day summit concluded in Brussels with leaders calling for simplification of the customs union. They also urged for new frameworks to bring in more investments in the bloc, amid increasing competition from China,…


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Chinese President Xi Jinping has for a decade called for breakthroughs to be made to untangle China from what it called “stranglehold technologies” – a total of 35 of them, seven of which are related to semiconductors, according to state media. In a widely circulated video on Chinese social media…


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